Firm Panasoft has developed new technologies from area Graphics and CAD. The most of these technologies is used in application Images Generator.
This program combines the properties of the graphical editor and automated design program. It can be used for processing of photos, creation of fine images that can be used in the textile or paper industry, creation of elements of Web graphic, creation of three-dimensional images, creation images of faces from photos, removal of image defects, creation of different pictures – diagrams, landscapes, ads, identikits, texts, congratulatory cards and others. Images Generator can be used for fitting of clothes. Having ample capabilities Images Generator is characterized by the small sizes and convenience of using.
When developing programs and components languages VB, VBNET and C++ were used. One version of app Images Generator consists of two parts. One part is GUI executed on VB6. Other part is library C++ dll. In this library complex algorithms and mathematical methods that determine the novelty of the program are hidden. DLL library can be used as a basis for a number of computer graphics and automatic design programs and systems. With a small customization it can be the basis of a program for the topological wire routing.Our technologies can be used in desktop applications, in applications for mobile devices, in a cloud and online systems. Graphic components and plug-ins can be executed on the basis of these solutions.
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Article: articleAppImagesGenerator.doc
App Images Generator:
Load: with C++ dll
Images Generator tutorial
Sergey Panasyuk
Mob phone: +79787642060
Skype: serpan31